
Are Your Instagram Photos More Popular Than The Pictures Your Friends Post?

The last week saw Instagram celebrate its third birthday. Many of you will have been on the ride from the beginning, while a number of you will have started posting photos of food and clouds at other points in the last 36 months 😉

Anyway, we thought that we should mark Instagram’s birthday in our own way, by asking you to use SocialSafe to find out what your most popular Instagram photo is, and then share that with us. If you aren’t a SocialSafe user or aren’t familiar with how you’d use SocialSafe to see your most popular Instagram photo then here’s what you need to do:

Download SocialSafe for free from

  • Add your Instagram account and back up your photos, likes, comments and tags to your own machine…

Add your Instagram account then sync all your photos, comments ,tags and likes

  • Within the app, click on ‘Insights’ on the left hand side, and then select ‘Most Popular’. From the top bar drop down menu, select the Instagram account(s) you’d like to analyse and change the date range to ‘Lifetime’…

Isolate your Instagram account and set the date range to 'Lifetime'...

  • Let SocialSafe do the work for you and see which of your Instagram photos has the most comments and likes!

most popular Instagram photos

Because I’m relatively new to Instagram and don’t post too often, I don’t exactly have a wealth of content to choose from, but for those of you who upload photos more regularly and have a lot of interactions, you’ll find that the Insights within SocialSafe really adds to the fun of using Instagram… You could even challenge your friends to see who has the most popular photos!

So if you’re proud of the way you take your photos and use the filters, leave a comment below with a link to your most popular image and we’ll post another blog with some of our favourites. Be sure to share this blog with your friends who use Instagram so that you can all find out which one of you has the most popular content!


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