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SocialSafe v6.6.6 Released – Facebook & Instagram Login Issues Fixed

Yesterday we had to release SocialSafe v6.6.6, an unscheduled update that was necessary to address changes to both Facebook and Instagram’s login mechanisms, which would have caused issues if left unattended.

The changes made by Facebook meant that anyone trying to add a Facebook Profile or a Facebook Page to their SocialSafe library would have been unable to do so. Users who had already synced their Facebook Profiles or Facebook Pages would still have been able to sync new content however.

The Instagram issue was slightly different and manifested itself by returning errors when trying to add an Instagram account to SocialSafe or when syncing content to the library.

We have since fixed these issues, and seeing as we’d already ticked a few other items off our list that were scheduled to go in our next planned release, we included them in SocialSafe v6.6.6. This update includes:

  • Facebook Login Issue fix for both Personal Accounts & Facebook Pages
  • Instagram Login Issue fix
  • Fix for Users unable to clear Black Overlay Screen
  • Further Helper .NET Error Fix
  • Accounts View UI enhancement

We do try to keep disruption to a minimum when it comes to releasing an update so soon after another one, but we hope you understand the importance of us addressing this issue in a timely fashion.


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    1. Well, we did think about skipping it, but if you start acknowledging superstitions or anything like that then you’re bound to find problems where there really are none! 😉

      – Andrew

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