Data Privacy

Why personal APIs and consented sharing are the new frontiers in trust

One fact looms large beyond the details of the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica fallout – millions of individuals lost control of data that they had shared for a different purpose entirely.

Consent is at the heart of new EU legislation, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), coming online on May 25. And consent is at the heart of what we are doing here at to put users back in control of the data they create, generate and add to every day.

An assumption that handing over data is the expected norm to use a ‘free’ tech product or platform is no longer valid – and shortly won’t even be legal, certainly not for companies processing any data within Europe.

But, more than that, the face of online privacy is changing. More and more surveys show that individuals don’t trust organisations with their data.

They want more control back – and using personal APIs such as means they can have just that. And not just control – more insight over their daily lives, spending and health, as well as the confidence their data will only be shared on their terms, with people or businesses that they choose.

Personal data is undoubtedly the oil of the digital age – a fast-growing and valuable economy that needs some regulation. But it also has the power to do enormous good.

Consented sharing harnesses all the benefits of personal data, and it’s massive potential to fuel AI, Internet of Things and machine learning growth, as well as personalised products and services, without any of the downsides.

Putting individuals at the centre of their online lives, able to see and benefit from their own data, as well as share it on their terms has always been our aim.

And if you want a place to store all of your Facebook data before deleting your account, does that too.

The Internet of Me is within our reach, and for the first time each of us does have a valid way of taking back control of our own data.

One important thing to note – our users download data to their app themselves, and the company never sees, touches, or holds any data – ever.

Making personal data truly personal again is the only way trust can be rebuilt. is the solution – so come and be part of that future with us.