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Thinking Of Deleting Your Instagram Account? Download Your Photos Before You Do

Whenever a social network changes its terms of service, the action is usually greeted with public outcry along the lines of privacy violation. Take Facebook’s recent decision to remove users’ ability to vote on changes – despite the fact an overwhelmingly small proportion of Facebook users ever exercised their right to vote on issues, the backlash was audible.

So why is this news today? Instagram has the right to sell your photos. To some people, this is like a red rag to a bull in terms of privacy violation and user exploitation. Many people are threatening to leave Instagram on account of the announcement, suggesting that the involvement of Facebook in the photo-sharing app has led to the changes in its terms of service.

Others may argue that Instagram is after all a business, providing a free service to millions of people, so they’ve got to make their money somehow if it is to continue providing that service to its users without charging them. The same people are also arguing that people who use Instagram do so in order to share photos with the world, so they should take it as a compliment if their shots are picked by the company to showcase itself.

But, everyone has their own limits and boundaries when it comes to personal privacy, and as mentioned above, people are seriously considering ditching the photo-sharing app. If you were thinking of deleting your Instagram account the obvious downside is that you would be deleting all of your photos and associated comments and likes too. However, this doesn’t have to be the case.

If you are dead-set on leaving Instagram, make sure you back up all of your content before you do so. SocialSafe allows users to download Instagram photos, comments, tags, likes and followers/following to your own PC or Mac, keeping your memories safe forever. Here’s how your Instagram shots will look when you save them to your SocialSafe offline journal:

To start using SocialSafe, simply visit our website and download the free trial for PC/Mac and begin privately downloading your Instagram content. Other networks including Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn are also supported. If you have any questions please leave a comment below.

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