
Hey Zuckerberg – that was OUR idea!

Last week Facebook unveiled their new features and plans for the new profile page layout. A lot of these seemed like the next logical step in terms of how we engage and go about sharing content with our friends and the wider world. But some of these seemed rather familiar… at least to us at SocialSafe!

If you’ve just happened upon this blog and aren’t aware of what our SocialSafe application does, allow me to briefly explain. Originally conceived in 2009 as a means to download and store your Facebook content on your own machine, SocialSafe developed into more of an offline, private and searchable digital journal. Now encompassing Twitter accounts and Facebook pages, as well as Facebook profiles, your social comings and goings are presented to you chronologically in the journal, or by type of activity (photos, updates, friends etc). Not only do you have the ability to backup your online social life in the event of anything happening to it (remember remember the 5th of November), but you can also leaf through it as if it were an actual diary, or jump back to a certain point in the past to see what your activity was.

So what’s this got to do with the latest changes to Facebook? Well, imitation, as they say, is the most sincere form of flattery. The new profile layout features a timeline, and at f8 it was announced that your page would now act as a ‘scrap-book’… a bit like a journal perhaps?

We’re only messing about, it’s great that Facebook are constantly striving to keep their service fresh, and it gives us a nice feeling to know that we’re thinking along the same lines as the largest social network in the world. To see what the SocialSafe journal can do to compliment your online social life, try it now for free or just go straight for the Standard, Pro or Enterprise licence, depending on what your social media portfolio looks like!