
SocialSafe Feature Guide: Creating and Editing ‘Collections’

Anyone who has been with us for a little while will have noticed that layout of certain functions within the SocialSafe app has changed subtly in the last couple of releases as we’ve added new features and improved existing functionality.

The ‘Do More’ button allows you to select content and, well,  do more with it. So any time you see the icon on the top bar of SocialSafe you’ll know that you can select some or all of the items currently in view to add them to a Collection and/or export them to CSV or PDF.

Here’s a short video showing you how to create Collections, as well as add items to or remove items from an existing Collection within SocialSafe:

As you can see, Collections [find out more] can be made up of different types of content from different network accounts. What you choose to put into your Collections is entirely up to you, but here are some ideas to help you get started:

  • Family – search for your family members by name to find all the photos they are tagged in, all the items they posted on your wall, all their tweets that you’d favourited etc
  • Food & Drink – do you like to Instagram your meals? Post recipes to Pinterest? Blog about food? Add all of this content to a specific Collection within SocialSafe
  • Holidays – create a Collection of all your holiday snaps along with the smug Facebook updates and tweets!
  • Business – does your company have social network accounts? Group together content from different networks into Collections based upon particular themes, eg individual products/services

We’re sure you’ll find plenty of your own uses for SocialSafe Collections, but if you have any ideas that have really helped you manage and enjoy your historic social content, then please feel free to share them with everyone else by leaving a comment below, or connection on via Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or LinkedIn.


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