Data Privacy Discussion Using

50% off Collections are the #5 (of 12) reasons to love us!

The personal data, gathered, of each of us is powerful but huge. Greater than the sum of its parts, it’s mighty and magnificent – but we know that sometimes you just want to gather some related parts together to be viewed as one small whole. And, as ever, your wish is our command.

And so, on the fifth day of Christmas, my true love brought for me – the ability to create Collections.

Collections are essentially what they say on the tin – a way to group together content you love from across your social media platforms and save it, download it – essentially use and enjoy it how you want.

Creating and adding to them is (as with everything in our well-thought-out app) is simple and straightforward. Either navigate to collections on the left hand sidebar and click the ‘new collection’ button on the bottom right, or meander your way (with meaning or otherwise) through your journal, flashback and accounts.

Anywhere you see a heart in the top right panel means that you can click to select some or all of the content on the page and either add it to one or more existing collections (one at a time), or create a brand new collection ON THE SPOT. Yep, we’re totally down with spontaneity.

Then, when you’re finished full stop, or just done for now, navigate back to the Collections page to view each of your collected works in its full glory.  But we’re not finished – oh no. is the gift that keeps on giving, remember?

So now you can view your collection of content in one place – maybe it’s an album of your kids, or a significant birthday celebration, or favourite pictures of your family. Whatever it is, and wherever you posted it, it’s now together in one place within your library (which you can continue to add to at any point in the future. But we digress.)

But can you do even more with it? Yes you can! As well as deleting anything you’ve changed your mind about and changing the order of content, the big excitement is that you can export it, either as a beautiful PDF that is ready in seconds, or to Evernote. That’s right, you can download the content that means the most to you, together with the original likes and comments, in a shareable form that means it can be emailed on to anyone else who is also interested. We really do spoil you – and you’re worth it.

So what are you waiting for? Collection those related pictures and statuses from across the web and pull them together with Collections – download it now so you’re ready for Christmas 2015!